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The TMB GEIE: a totally integrated European exploitation

The Groupement Européen d'Intérêt Economique du Tunnel du Mont-Blanc unites staff provided by the two concessionary companies with the same objective, of exploiting this work together, with the best conditions and security possible. It is a true socially European laboratory at the centre of which men and women belonging to different cultural and social systems conceive ways of working together with maximum efficiency. Listening, trust, loyalty and mutual respect are the Group’s principle values, which considers diversity before wealth, and who sees cultural differences as representing opportunities.
With more than 300 permanent employees, salaried or in partnership, for a tunnel of 11.6km, that accounts for more than 25 people per kilometer.

The teams who are based at the tunnel: more than 1 in 2 employees are involved in security

Under the executive committee’s authority, the TMB-GEIE accounts for about 215 persons, among whom about 177 are allocated to security, traffic management and to the maintenance of the installations, and to whom it is necessary to add the staff of the partner services: immediate intervention service (around 70 persons) and the bi-national police service (around 40 officers). The structure is organized into 3 departments, to which are added the functional management services.

> Safety and traffic department

In charge of traffic control, the perception of tolls and the security of the tunnel users under normal conditions and in case of an incident, it is this department which accounts for the highest number of Mont-Blanc Tunnel employees.
The security and traffic operators are responsible, from control and command posts, for the surveillance of the traffic and for operating the different equipment in the tunnel; if necessary, they activate rescue procedures.
The security and traffic teams monitor the correct adoption of traffic regulations on the aprons and inside the Tunnel; they have special vehicles equipped for first responses and ensure accompaniment services for refrigerated containers and exceptional loads.
Beyond the peception of the tolls, toll booth operators play an important role in terms of security. Notably they are responsible for reminding tunnel users of the important rules such as the speed limit and distance between vehicles, answering any eventual questions and giving them the security document for their safe passage. In the case of an incident, they also handle the evacuation of persons situated outside the incident area as well as the reception of the exterior emergency services.
Finally, under the responsibility of the concession companies,the security and traffic assistants, split between the regulation areas in Aosta and Passy, verify that the Mont-Blanc Tunnel’s HGV administration rules are respected.

> Technical and ITC department

This department ensure permanently the functioning of the technical infrastructure, computers and telecommunications, so making an essential contribution to the security and operational conditions of the Tunnel. It plans, follow and control the necessary maintenance interventions to guarantee that the installations are in perfect condition. It leads the investment projects decided upon by the concessionary companies.

> Deputy directorate for administration, finance and HR

This department manages customer relations and the accounts, establishes a budget and works at all the administration, accounting and legal tasks relating to the TMB-GEIE. The human resources service, which has the responsibility of all the questions relating to the organization of the work, recruitment procedures and internal mobility, social relations, and quality and CSR (corporate social responsability) service are directly connected to this department.

> Services attached to the management

Directly attached to the management are a secretariat and 4 services.
> The prevention and protection service principally aims to provide a unified management of security for its employees in their place of work, by harmonizing the standards, which are different for the French and Italian personnel.
> The development, energy and innovation service is responsible for developing the innovation and technological development strategy, in agreement with the concessionary companies SITMB and ATMB, ensuring a timely technological watch on all activities related to the operation of the Mont Blanc Tunnel, as well as the coordination and implementation of innovation and technological development projects in a transversal manner, through the use of new working methods (in particular participative methods).
> The environmental management activities service
> The general services and communication service is responsible for the implementation of institutional communication and crisis communication actions, and is mobilised in case of activation of the binational rescue plan, in close coordination with the prefectures of Valle d’Aosta and Haute-Savoie. This service is also responsible for the telephone and physical reception of visitors, the registration and sorting of correspondence, translations.
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